Measures are fields that can be measured, aggregated, or used for mathematical operations.
Page shelf fragments the view into a series of pages, presenting a different view on each page, making it more user-friendly and minimizing scrolling to analyze and view data and information.
It is the visual representation of data in the form of graphs and charts, especially when you can‘t define it textually. You can show trends, patters and correlations through various data visualization software and tools.
Dimensions are usually those fields that cannot be aggregated
Tableau desktop performs data visualization and workbook creation, Tableau server is used to distribute these interactive workbooks and/or reports to the right audience.
There are six marks in Tableau; Color, Size, Text, Detail, Path, Tooltip
Data Blending in tableau allows combining of data from different sources and platforms. For instance, you can blend data present in an Excel file with that of an Oracle DB to create a new dataset.
Horizontal layout container, Veritcal layout Container, Text, Image Extract, Web[URL Action]
The concept of context filter in Tableau makes the process of filtering smooth and straightforward. It establishes a filtering hierarchy where all other filters present refer to the context filter for their subsequent operations.
.twb does not contain the data. .twbx is Packaged Workbook allows users to share their workbook information with other Tableau Desktop users and let them open it in Tableau Reader.
Tableau Workbook (.twb) • Tableau Packaged Workbook (.twbx) • Tableau Datasource (.tds) • Tableau Packaged Datasource (.tdsx) • Tableau Data extract (.tde) • Tableau Bookmark (.tdm) • Tableau Map Source (.tms) • Tableau Preferences (.tps)